TripletsHoward, Tannavi & NeilHoward and the Swiss Cottage boxYoung owl peering at the cameraMale or Female?Howard's grand-daughter Ruby with owl.Two that got awayGeoff & Howard with Tawny Owls.Barn Owl on guard at box 120.Elly with a brace of Barn Owls.The hole-in-the-tree gang.Ruby with some of the gang.All the gang together.Some owls are not grateful! These preferrred the hole.The 800th chick.Mum and chick.
Neil, The Swiss Cottage and Phil - probably the heaviest box ever!Laura with a pair of owlsKatie, Howard and NovaBarn Owl chick with a few adult feathers."You should have taken it from my best side".With a Sister at Holy Cross ConventContents (including voles) removed while a Jackdaw nest is cleared out. All fledged.The new truck and decs.The new truck and decs.Nova.Our 1st brood of seven.Our Ruby and owl.Ruby plus five.This Short-eared Owl got tangled with barbed wire and had to be destroyed.Howard with Eagle Owls - in Belarus.On lookout at Box 150.Boxes need replacing from time to time.
Three more owlsOwl ChickBaby Barn Owl with Miranda and Zoe.Tawny Owls are more of a handful that Barn Owls.Little Owl.Howard, Zoe and Bryony with Little Owls.Jo & Howard.The 900th chick.Howard with 2 young chicks.An unusually large brood of 6 Little Owls.A well-spotted female.The completed Barn Owl "manor".Gordon, Jo and Howard.Stealthy approach with the blocker.